Conversation with Susie Lawson

Co-founder and Managing Director, Branch Arts

Susie Lawson AWITA spotlight

Are there any inspiring quotes that have resonated with you at this time?

 “He who works with his hands is a laborer. He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman. He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist.”

Saint Francis of Assisi

During this strange time, it has become ever more apparent how important it is to tap into your own creativity. Too much desk time can cloud your perspective. I’ve really enjoyed trying my hand at the potters wheel again.

Have you launched any online initiatives?
An interesting element of lockdown has been the importance of being able to be responsive. In March we worked with our clients to take exhibitions and fairs online and have continued to build our web design team as a result. Instead of going ‘quiet’ we found we were busier than ever. We are also a small operation which meant that we could keep in close contact when having to work remotely.

The changed landscape inspired us also to launch our own online platform in September which focuses the spotlight on some of the amazing artists we have had the privilege of working with over the years. Whilst visits to artist’s studios and exhibitions were restricted, we realised we were better placed to feature and sell their work directly. We’re now working on our second online ‘featured’ exhibition after a really successful start. We’re pleased we’ve been able to use the platform to raise money for our artist’s chosen charities. The hard work pays off when you know you’ve enabled a conservation charity in Brazil (REGUA) to buy and save over 20 acres of Atlantic forest!

What exhibition/event are you looking forward to post lockdown 2.0?
As I’m not based in London and have been missing my regular trips up to town for face-to-face with clients and popping into exhibitions. It was such a pleasure to have August & September to catch up with a few but I am now looking forward to simply wondering into the National Gallery or V&A without having to plan and book three weeks ahead. I never thought I would miss the ‘chance’ visits as much.


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