Conversation with Jo Baring

Director, The Ingram Collection

Jo Baring AWITA spotlight

If you were to give advice to your younger self, what would it be? 
Talk to people! Go to as many events as you can! The art world is populated by spirited, talented women who are generous with their time and advice - make the most of it and nurture those relationships you make. It’s both valuable and rewarding. 

Tell us about a woman, well-known or not, whom you admire and why.
I admire women who are resolute and determined. Someone who springs to mind is Elisabeth Frink. As a young sculptor she was feted and received international critical acclaim, but as figurative work went out of fashion in the 1960s she too fell out of favour. But she believed in the work she was making and stayed true to her path. 

Do you collect art?
Yes! I have a real mix of sculpture, ceramics, paintings, works on paper - it used to be very focused on the Modern British period, and now I mainly buy works by emerging artists. I think it is important to support young artists in the current climate.


Georgina Adam: ‘Rise and Rise of the Private Museum.'


Drawing on Style: AWITA Coffee Morning