Webinar on New Sanction Obligations for all AMPs

Free Webinar: Friday 7th March 12pm

AWITA Member Rena Neville encourages all members to attend the free webinar she is hosting on Friday 7th March. The online event is in response to the recent news that Art Market Participants (AMPs) come under an additional regulator, the Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI) from 14th May.

OFSI has the power to impose significant penalties for breaches, so AMPs must take the necessary steps to mitigate the risk. Join this event to help you navigate these changes and minimise risk.

Rena Neville, Head of FCS Compliance - Art Division, will be joined by Alexandra Melia, a Partner at Steptoe in London who specialises in sanctions law, who will explain the impact of these changes and answer questions.  

Free to attend, attendees will learn:

  • How OFSI manages its enforcement powers

  • How OFSI calculates penalties for failing to report

  • Ways to help you avoid a penalty

  • Whether the reporting obligation is limited to sanctioned Russians

    More information and to sign up click here!


Apsara Studio & von Goetz